Mazzafati Dates



Mazzafati date is one types of date related to the Bam city. Bam city is located in Kerman. Mazzafati date has high moisture and hence, it cannot be considered as nuts. It is sold in various countries with different brands in both of domestic and international markets. Its color is shiny black.

It is thin-skinned and wrinkles. The skin of Mazzafati date is easily detachable. It has high syrup. Whatever the syrup of Mazzafati date is higher, its quality and degree is higher and so is more desirable. The weight of each Mazzafati date box is more than 10 kg due to its high syrup.

The fruit is used to treat diarrhea due to its high potassium.

It should be noted about the consumption of date that it should be washed before consumption, because it is viscosity due to its skin’s syrup and therefore it absorbs any pollution.

Shape: Big Oval

Color: Dark Red

Flesh: Sweet, Soft, Luscious

The name of product Type of packaging Weight Number per box weight of each package
Mazzafati dates Box 9 kg 50 180 gr
Mazzafati dates Box 5 kg 1 5 kg (bulk)
Mazzafati dates Box 10 kg 1 10 kg (bulk)




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